120 Progressive Chorales, Warm Ups, and Targeted Exercises for Band

by Gary Henderson and Joey Devassy

120 Progressive Chorales, Warm Ups, and Targeted Exercises for Band
**Put one book on every stand for
your rehearsal!
The group warm up is an important part of the developing band rehearsal. The exercises in this book promote all of the basic fundamentals young bands should strive for. These include:
Sound Quality
Flexibility/Technical proficiency
Basic note reading
Sight Reading
Phrasing: Breath marks encourage the elimination of “choppy” playing. These breath marks are eventually replaced with more traditional phrase markings.
The concepts in this book are presented sequentially from unison exercises to full sounding chorale-style melodies. There are also several exercises that target key concepts that are unique to the young, developing band. These include:
Flute playing from D to E: Warm Up #63
Flute E/Eb: Warm Up #64
Flute Octaves: Warm Up #57
Clarinet Low B/Bb: Warm Up #’s 34, 62, 109
Clarinet C/C#: Warm Up #113
Bass Clarinet F/F#: Warm Up #64
Alto Sax F/F#: Warm Up #'s 34, 62, 109
Alto Sax C/C#: Warm Up #'s 64, 112
Bari Sax C/C#: Warm Up # 64
Horn E/Eb: Warm up #'s 62, 109
Horn F/F#: Warm Up #113
Trumpet Low B/Bb: Warm Up #62
Trumpet F/F#: Warm Up # 64
Trombone/Baritone E/Eb: Warm Up # 64
Trombone alternate F (6th position): Warm Up # 113, 119
Tuba E/Eb: Warm Up #64
Other specific concepts presented in the book include:
Thirds: #38, 40, 80
Slurs: #67, 68, 69, 79, 80 (several exercises and chorales feature slurs)
Beginner Lip Slurs: #77, 78
Beginner Eighth Notes: #86-99
Concert Bb Scale: #36, 37
Concert Bb Arpeggio: # 39
Chromatic Scale: #82-84
3⁄4 Time Signature: #18, 43, 55, 56, 76, 107
Dynamics: #20, 46, 60, 101-103 (many exercises and chorales feature dynamic changes)
Familiar Folk Melodies: #23, 24, 25, 28, 45, 50, 100, 111
Minor Keys: #42, 44, 55, 61, 75, 79, 81, 99
Staccato: #48
Legato: #49
Accents: #47, 48, 104, 118
Interval Training: #53, 54, 57, 98, 110
Dotted Quarter Notes: #115-118
D.C. al Fine: #45
Several Key Signatures are Featured (Major and Minor)
There are several suggested percussion parts featured at the back of the book. The importance of a balanced percussion section should not be overlooked. However, it is not imperative that the percussion section participate in all, or any of these warm ups. Other suggested ideas for the percussion section can include:
Playing steady beats or rudiments on practice pads or snare drum rims.
Playing the rhythms of the exercise (i.e. bass drum plays trombone rhythm, snare
plays flute rhythm).
Using this time to set up for the first full band piece of the rehearsal.